Akesh Abhilash

Akesh Abhilash

Of Counsel
+65 6361 9836
+65 6438 0550

Akesh is an Of Counsel in the Litigation and Dispute Management Practice Group. He handles a broad range of commercial disputes and contractual claims, and has also acted in insolvency, criminal and probate matters. Akesh also advises on matters relating to regulatory compliance. He is an Accredited Mediator with the Singapore Mediation Centre as well as panel Mediator with the Bangalore International Mediation, Arbitration, and Conciliation Centre (BIMACC).

His recent experience includes:

  • Advising and acting for an international logistics company in mediations and arbitrations before SMC and SIAC;
  • Lead counsel representing an estate agency and its director in Haw Wan Sin & Anor v Faber Property Pte Ltd & others [2018] SGDC 143, and acting in the appeal of the same representing the said director before the High Court in Haw Wan Sin David and anor v Sim Tee Meng and anor [2018] SGHC 272;
  • Lead counsel acting for a high net worth individual in proceedings commenced in actions for defamation and malicious falsehood in Fok Kah Hon v Quek Ban Tung Edmund, successfully obtaining judgment for, inter alia; damages amounting to S$170,000.00;
  • Lead counsel in PP v Tang You Liang, Andruew, defending an accused person against charges of cheating various banks by failing to declare beneficial ownership of bank accounts – the first time a charge on these facts has proceeded to trial.;
  • Acting for high net worth corporate clients in a matter heard before 5 judges at the Court of Appeal concerning inter alia, sanctioning of schemes of arrangement in SK Engineering Construction Co Ltd v Conchubar Aromatics Ltd and another appeal [2017] SGCA 51;
  • Acting for various corporate clients and statutory bodies in debt recovery matters from commencement of proceedings up to enforcement of judgment and committal proceedings;
  • Advising Singapore Turf Club and Singapore Pools Pte Ltd on regulatory and compliance matters;
  • Advising on compliance with the United Nations (Sanctions – Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) Regulations 2010 and anti-money laundering regulations;
  • Acting as appointed prosecutor on behalf of the Energy Market Authority and the Council for Estate Agencies; and
  • Invited panellist speaking on matters relating to regulatory compliance at a private cryptocurrency investor conference – Cryptoflow 2018.

Akesh also volunteers with the Singapore Law Society, Pro Bono Services Office, by serving as Defence Counsel under the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme (CLAS).

Akesh read law at Singapore Management University where he graduated Magna cum Laude in 2013, and was a winner of the Drew & Napier Prize for the Top Student in Advocacy. He was also part of the SMU team which qualified for the final rounds of the 8th International Chamber of Commerce International Mediation Competition, and a semi-finalist in the 2012 Bain & Company Case Competition. He graduated with a Masters in Law from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa in 2014, where he was the graduation speaker for the LL.M class.

Akesh was called to the Singapore Bar in 2015. He is a member of the Law Society of Singapore and the Singapore Academy of Law.

Recent Awards