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Personal Injury


When it comes to making claims for personal injury grievances, Harry Elias Partnership is equipped with the best legal minds in Singapore to ensure the greatest possibility of success for your case. However, before we get started on this process, it is important to clearly define what ‘personal injury’ means and what conditions need to be satisfied before even beginning legal proceedings.


A personal injury is defined as an event that leaves either a physical or mental effect (‘injury’) upon your person, that impacts your ability to function as a healthy human being. These could be a result of physical trauma, such as having your leg broken while operating heavy machinery that malfunctions, or anxiety and depression caused by abusive bad actors in your surroundings. Personal injuries that are a result of negligence are the most common basis for claims.


Negligence refers to the breach of an entity’s duty of care towards others within its sphere of influence or responsibility, resulting in danger and personal injury. These entities are also considered negligent if they do nothing to prevent damage or injury that is foreseeable, or omitted measures and steps to prevent this from happening.

As eminent personal injury lawyers, one of our first steps in such a case would be to establish the boundaries of this duty of care, and pinpointing where negligence has occurred. It is critical for us to do so, to ensure the success of any legal action. At this point, should the charge of negligence be successfully established, compensation can then be sought for your personal injury claim (also known as ‘damages’).


Damages can take on different forms – common yardsticks include expenses for medical treatment, as well as quantifying the anguish, pain and suffering that a personal injury claimant is going through. Another common method is calculating the loss of potential future income – an example would be a claimant who works in a hands-intensive trade such as plumbing, losing fingers due to a malfunctioning train door.

For more information, or for a consultation with some of our best personal injury lawyers in Singapore, consult Harry Elias Partnership today!


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