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Home 5 News 5 Webinar Invitation: Trust in Public Sector Leadership, 19 February 2021, 16:30 SGT


Webinar Invitation: Trust in Public Sector Leadership, 19 February 2021, 16:30 SGT

Feb 16, 2021

Harry Elias Partnership LLP and Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Singapore Chapter are pleased to invite you to join us for the second event of CMI Singapore’s Leadership series: “Trust in Public Sector Leadership” with guest speaker Mr Patrick Tay, Member of the Parliament of Singapore and Assistant Secretary-General of National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Singapore.

Hosted by Francis Goh, this fireside chat with KK Lim and Patrick Tay will explore trust in the context of public sector leadership.

Date & Time: Friday, 19 February 2021, 16:30 SGT

Please register here.


For more information, please contact
our Business Development Director, Ricky
Soetikno, at