The corporate and financial services practice group of Harry Elias Partnership LLP acted as Singapore counsel to LianLian DigiTech Co., Ltd. in their initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, where the team conducted due diligence and opined on...
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Acted as Singapore legal advisers for VS Media Holdings Limited, in relation to its initial public offering (“IPO”) on the Nasdaq Capital Market
The corporate practice group and Kennedy Chen of Harry Elias Partnership LLP (“HEP”) acted as Singapore legal advisers to VS Media Holdings Limited in their IPO on the Nasdaq Capital Market. Kennedy Chen and HEP had advised on Singapore legal, corporate, regulatory...
Acted as Singapore legal advisers for TVS Supply Chain Solutions Limited, in relation to its US$106 million initial public offering (“IPO”) on the National Stock Exchange of India
The corporate and financial services practice group of Harry Elias Partnership LLP acted as Singapore legal advisers for TVS Supply Chain Solutions Limited, in relation to its US$106 million initial public offering (“IPO”) on the National Stock Exchange of...
Harry Elias Partnership ranked in the 31st edition of IFLR1000
We are pleased to share that Harry Elias Partnership has been listed as Recommended Firm in the 31st edition of IFLR1000. We are ranked in multiple practice areas: M&A, Restructuring and Insolvency, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets: Debt, Capital Markets:...
Advised HZCTECH in its application to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for a proposed issuance of additional stock to potentially raise up to an approximate RMB 0.37 billion
In a multi-jurisdiction capital markets and stock exchange matter in conjunction with Grandall (Hangzhou) Law Firm (“Grandall Hangzhou”) acting as PRC law advisers and overall instructing counsel, Kennedy Chen of Harry Elias Partnership had been appointed as Singapore...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP and its Key Partners Ranked in The Asia Pacific Legal 500 2015
We are pleased to announce that Harry Elias Partnership LLP has been ranked in The Asia Pacific Legal 500 for 2015. This year, the Firm has been recommended in four practice areas namely, International Arbitration, Corporate and M&A, Dispute Resolution and Real...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP acts for Longcheer Holdings Limited in the proposed disposal of its wholly-owned subsidiary
Harry Elias Partnership is acting for Longcheer Holdings Limited (Company), a company incorporated in Bermuda and listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST), in respect of a proposed disposal of its wholly-owned subsidiary in the...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP Advises in the Successful Listing of Link Holdings Limited on The Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Harry Elias Partnership acted as Singapore legal advisor in relation to the successful listing of Link Holdings Limited on the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. Up to 70 million placement shares were offered, raising approximately SGD20.5...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP’s Corporate Team acts for SGX-ST Mainboard Listed Companies in a General Offer and Very Substantial Acquisition
Harry Elias Partnership LLP (HEP) recently acted for China International Holdings Ltd, a company incorporated in Bermuda and listed on the Mainboard of SGX-ST, in the acquisition of 55% of the issued and paid-up share capital (Target Shares) of Triumph Kind Investment...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP acts for Singapore Medical Group in the voluntary conditional cash offer by Pure Beauty Investments Limited
Harry Elias Partnership LLP (HEP) acted as legal counsel to Singapore Medical Group (SMG) in the voluntary conditional cash offer by Pure Beauty Investment Limited. Harry Elias Partnership LLP (HEP) acted as legal counsel to Singapore Medical Group (SMG) in the...