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Home 5 News 5 Rising above the gutters of waste management


Rising above the gutters of waste management

Jul 6, 2011

Collecting rubbish may not exactly be the most palatable conversation topic over lunch or tea, but for the participants of a symposium on waste management held in Singapore on 5th July 2011, it was a topic they simply relished discussing all day long.

During this symposium, Harry Elias Partnership LLP signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore (WMRAS) to jointly develop and implement a grant to assist companies when it comes to defraying legal costs relating to the development and implementation of projects related to waste management. Said Mr Francis Goh, a partner from Harry Elias Partnership LLP, “As this industry evolves, strategic partnerships amongst the people, private and public sectors will be forged, and this will give rise to all types of contracts relating to things like research and development, associated funding, intellectual property rights and technology transfer. The legal aspects of such transactions cannot be overlooked, as the opportunity cost can potentially be litigation cost and the cost of bad publicity.” The firm’s involvement was reported by The Business Times, The Business Times (Online), Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Yahoo! Singapore News, Biz Daily, inSing, Channel News Asia, Green Business Times, MediaCorp Radio RIA FM, and MediaCorp Radio Warna.


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