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Home 5 News 5 Partner Shaun Leong was a speaker on Crisis Management at Clariden ASEAN Conference covering Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar.


Partner Shaun Leong was a speaker on Crisis Management at Clariden ASEAN Conference covering Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar.

Feb 27, 2020

Eversheds Harry Elias is pleased that Partner Shaun Leong was invited to be a speaker at the Clariden ASEAN conference during the “Certificate in Regional HR employment law week”. 

Shaun spoke on crisis management and arbitrating cross border disputes from across the ASEAN region across various different jurisdictions: Singapore (on 3 February), Indonesia (on 4 February), Vietnam (on 5 February), and Thailand (on 6 February). 

Shaun covered, amongst others, what businesses need to do in the first 72 hours of a crisis to mitigate legal and reputational risks; ways to develop and implement a strategic crisis management framework to meet an organization’s objectives; and tactical cross border strategies to employ to quickly diffuse disputes. 

The conference was attended by global MNCs and companies such as Petronas, Hino Motors and City Developments Limited. 



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