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Home 5 News 5 Partner and Head of Corporate and Financial Services Claudia Teo comments in The Business Times’ “Views from the Top” on universal whistleblower protection law


Partner and Head of Corporate and Financial Services Claudia Teo comments in The Business Times’ “Views from the Top” on universal whistleblower protection law

Mar 2, 2020

Partner and Head of Corporate and Financial Services Claudia Teo comments in The Business Times’ “Views from the Top” on universal whistleblower protection law, titled “Fighting fraud and corruption”. The article was first published on 2 March 2020.

Fighting fraud and corruption

THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Does Singapore need a universal whistleblower protection law?

Below is an excerpt from the article which features comments from Claudia

Claudia Teo

Partner and Head, Corporate and Financial Services

Eversheds Harry Elias

“With more than 800 listed companies and countless more unlisted companies, it is impossible to expect regulators to scrutinise the conduct of every company. Entrenching whistleblower protection in legislation will naturally create an environment of self-surveillance which will send a message to errant companies that they must change their “do whatever you want, just don’t get caught” mentality. The concept of legislative protection of whistleblowers is not new in Singapore and it is time to harmonise our current regime of whistleblower protection under various acts by enacting a universal whistleblower protection legislation.”

Full article can be found here. 

Source: The Business Times

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