
Showing 410 results
Harry Elias Partnership is pleased to announce that our Consultant, Moiz Tyebally, received a Long Service Award from the Honourable The Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, in November 2022, in recognition of his 10 years of service to the Family Justice... [More]
Harry Elias Partnership is pleased to announce a new addition to the Construction and Engineering Practice Group as Chua Ming Hao joins us as Of Counsel. He is a disputes lawyer, with a focus on infrastructure, engineering and construction related... [More]
Harry Elias Partnership is pleased and honoured to be named by the Straits Times Best law Firms 2023 guide as one of the best law firms in Singapore for 2023. Our Practice Groups, Family and Divorce (Family Law), Private Client Advisory (Inheritance... [More]
Harry Elias Partnership is pleased to announce that our Partner Esther Wee, Head of IP, has been recognised and ranked as an IP Expert in Singapore by AsiaIP Law for 2022.  Managing Partner Mr Philip Fong said " The Partners are very honoured and... [More]
Harry Elias Partnership is pleased to announce that HEP Law Brunei has 2 new additions to the firm and they are (1) NADEEYA SALLEH who join us as Counsel; and (2) AFIQAH SULAIMAN, who join us as an associate. Managing Partner Mr Philip Fong said... [More]
Our Of Counsel Akesh Abhilash was quoted in the Straits Times of 21 November 2022 as the assigned counsel for the defence in the case where a man was alleged to have attempted rape on his 4 year old daughter. See https/ [More]
Harry Elias Partnership LLP as Singapore Counsel, together with Asia Counsel (Vietnam), participated in an Electric Vehicle (EV) and renewables deal involving Singapore private equity into Vietnam, coordinating necessary due diligence and deal... [More]
Harry Elias Partnership's Kennedy Chen, Partner (Corporate and Finance) was appointed by the Singapore Institute of Legal Education ("SILE") to the panel of trainers/facilitators for the Singapore Bar Examinations 2022 Preparatory Course Leading to... [More]
Our Partner Justin Chia (Insolvency and Restructuring) and Of Counsel Kok Yee Keong (Insolvency and Restructuring) conducted a MCST training session on 15 November 2022 to Savills Singapore attended by 66 persons including the Managing Director, Mr... [More]
Of Counsel Sui Yi Siong was interviewed on CNA News on 7 November 2022 on the Post-Appeal applications dor Capital Cases Bill which was tabled in Parliament for its 1st Reading. See : [More]