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Home 5 News 5 Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in the Straits Times article titled “Firms here spend more on IT due to Covid-19 than in other countries”


Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in the Straits Times article titled “Firms here spend more on IT due to Covid-19 than in other countries”

Sep 14, 2020

Harry Elias Partnership Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim commented in the Straits Times article titled “Firms here spend more on IT due to Covid-19 than in other countries”. The article was first published on 14 September 2020.

Firms here spend more on IT due to Covid-19 than in other countries

Companies here have spent more on IT compared with the global average as more employees work from home due to Covid-19. But firms here have also placed greater emphasis on cyber-security measures and the use of remote collaboration tools, a new study has found.

A study by cyber-security firm Acronis found that out of 200 Singapore company representatives polled, more than 85 per cent saw increased IT costs due to disruptions arising from the coronavirus pandemic, compared with an average of 72 per cent globally.

Just 8 per cent of local firms said their IT costs were unchanged, compared with the global average of 20 per cent, said Acronis in the study released last Wednesday, which polled 3,400 respondents from 17 countries.

Below is an excerpt from the article which features comments by KK:

Agreeing, Harry Elias Partnership head of cyber security, privacy and data protection K. K. Lim said the higher IT spending by firms here could reflect how there was a lack of options pre-pandemic for working from home, a situation which has changed.

A study published by ST in May found that nine in 10 employees in Singapore want to continue working from home in some capacity.

“This pandemic has shown that not only is working from home possible, but employees prefer that. Generally, you work harder and put in more hours than working from the office – that is the common reaction from employees,” said Mr Lim.

Full article can be found here.

Source: The Straits Times

Author: Hariz Baharudin

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