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Home 5 News 5 Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in The Business Times article titled “The Finney phone that keeps hackers away”


Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in The Business Times article titled “The Finney phone that keeps hackers away”

Sep 6, 2019

Eversheds Harry Elias Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in The Straits Times article titled “The Finney phone that keeps hackers away”. The article was first published on 4 September 2019.

The Finney phone that keeps hackers away

Below is an excerpt from the article which features comments from KK Lim:

Concerns over cyber attacks have prompted technology companies to look at solutions, from simple mobile applications to the use of VPN to encrypt data. But these solutions require users to download apps, which can slow down the functions of the phone.

Swiss technology company Sirin Labs has instead come up with a mobile phone that can stop breaches before they happen, without the need for third-party apps.

Mr K.K. Lim, head of cyber security, privacy and data protection at law firm Eversheds Harry Elias, warned that mobile phones are prime targets in MITM attacks, which hackers can also use to spy on users and insert false information in their phones.

“The demand for wireless access creates a huge opportunity to intercept and/or steal our important data, such as passwords, between two points. This is also compounded by our ‘always on’ search feature on most mobile phones for wireless access,” said Mr Lim.

The Finney phone is also able to prevent malicious apps, or malware, from being installed.

Some of these apps, which Mr Lim pointed out, are mostly designed to steal important information belonging to users. They also disguise themselves as legitimate apps on the Google Play Store to trick users into downloading them.

Full article can be found here.

Source: The Straits Times

Author: Hariz Baharudin

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