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Home 5 News 5 Family and Matrimonial Partner Ivan Cheong comments in the Straits Times article titled “In rare cases of abandoned babies here, one mum left newborn infant in hospital, another on staircase”


Family and Matrimonial Partner Ivan Cheong comments in the Straits Times article titled “In rare cases of abandoned babies here, one mum left newborn infant in hospital, another on staircase”

Mar 27, 2019

Eversheds Harry Elias Family and Matrimonial Partner Ivan Cheong comments in the Straits Times article titled “In rare cases of abandoned babies here, one mum left newborn infant in hospital, another on staircase”. The article was first published on 25 March 2019.

In rare cases of abandoned babies here, one mum left newborn infant in hospital, another on staircase

Below is an excerpt from the article which features comments from Ivan Cheong:

Instances of babies being abandoned in Singapore are very rare and there were only two in the past three years, a spokesman for the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) told The Straits Times.

In one of the cases, the woman gave birth at a hospital here and walked out without her baby. The other mother dumped her newborn infant at a staircase of a Housing Board block.

Over the past decade, from 2009 to last year, 16 abandoned babies were found here.

“….Lawyer Ivan Cheong said that those found guilty of abandoning their baby or a child under the age of 12 can be jailed up to seven years or fined or both.

If the child dies as a result of being abandoned, the offender can be charged with murder or culpable homicide, depending on the case. Even if the child dies before, during or after birth, the secret disposal of the dead body is an offence, Mr Cheong said, and offenders can be jailed up to two years, fined or both.”

Full article can be found here.

Source: The Straits Times

Author: Theresa Tan, Senior Social Affairs Correspondent

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