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Home 5 News 5 Eversheds Harry Elias hosted Breakfast Seminar on “Practical Solutions to Trade Secret Enforcement Challenges” together with IIPCC Singapore


Eversheds Harry Elias hosted Breakfast Seminar on “Practical Solutions to Trade Secret Enforcement Challenges” together with IIPCC Singapore

Nov 13, 2019

On 8 November 2019, Eversheds Harry Elias, together with Intellectual Property Commercialisation Council (IIPCC) Singapore chapter, organized a breakfast seminar on “Practical Solutions to Trade Secret Enforcement Challenges”. This interactive session provided participants with opportunities to share their experiences and ways to deal with the challenges. On top of the group sharing, a line-up of esteemed speakers further discussed the topic in a panel discussion.

Special thanks to our speakers and panellists: Professor Su Guaning, Esther Wee, Johnson Kong, Chiara Accornero, Stephanie Leparmentier and Wendy Low.

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