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Introducing the EHE Cyber Crisis Response Team

Introduction Timothy Coombs once defined crisis “as a significant threat of operations that can have negative consequences if not handled properly”. Indeed, a crisis can result in a direct financial loss of market share, purchase intentions, spawning lawsuits related...

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Legal Update: Commencement of Payment Services Act

The Payment Services Act (“PS Act”) and its subsidiary regulations commenced on 28 January 2020. The PS Act aims to regulate all payment services and payment service providers in Singapore. In this client update, we set out the key actions and dates relevant to the PS...

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Legal Update: Navigating Risks with W&I Insurance

Overview of W&I Insurance Warranty and indemnity insurance (“W&I Insurance”) has been increasingly considered in the context of mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) transactions for the purposes of minimising the exposure of parties in transactions, especially...

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International Arbitration: Year in Review 2019

Eversheds Harry Elias is pleased to bring you its annual International Arbitration Year in Review, focusing on Singapore and regional developments in international arbitration. We began this initiative last year with the objective of keeping our clients and...

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