What a year 2018 has been. In his traditional message, the Prime Minister called 2018 a “productive year” and warned of ‘major uncertainties” that the global economy may face in 2019. “But with long term policies in place and a strong team in charge, the...
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Year in Review, Year Looking Forward: International Arbitration Developments in Singapore and Beyond
Year in Review, Year Looking Forward: International Arbitration Developments in Singapore and Beyond 2018 has been an exciting and fruitful year for the Eversheds Harry Elias International Arbitration Group. We continued to represent our clients in a number of...
Managing Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Management Philip Fong comments in The Law Society Gazette article titled ‘The lion’s share’
Eversheds Harry Elias Managing Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Management Philip Fong was quoted in The Law Society Gazette article titled 'The lion's share'. The article was first published on 26 November 2018. The lion's share Below is an excerpt from the...
E-briefing: Is Your Arbitration too costly and lengthy? You can now consider the Arbitral Summary Award Procedure.
Why is this important? With the summary award procedure, parties can skip the hassle of a typical arbitration process and full trial hearing. A binding arbitral award may be obtained in as short as 2 months. This means significant time and costs savings for parties....
International Arbitration Of Counsel Shaun Leong is a contributing author to the 2019 edition of Singapore Civil Procedure
Eversheds Harry Elias is delighted that Shaun Leong, our Of Counsel with the International Arbitration group, is a contributing author to the 2019 edition of the Singapore Civil Procedure. The book, fondly referred to as the “White Book”, is the definitive text on...
E-briefing: Road Traffic Offences
Road Traffic Offences Road traffic offences in Singapore are governed by the Road Traffic Act (Cap 27) (“RTA”). Under section 42 of the RTA, the Court is be empowered to disqualify an offender from holding or obtaining a driving licence for life or for such period as...
E-briefing: Drink Driving
Drink Driving The offence of drink driving in Singapore is governed by the Road Traffic Act (Cap 27) (“RTA”) section 67. A person who, when driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle on a road or other public place, and is unfit to drive for the reason that he is...
E-briefing: Is your international arbitral award still enforceable even after it has been set aside? – A Comparative Perspective
Why is this important? Is an arbitration award useless if it has been set aside at the seat? Not necessarily. An award that has been set aside may still be enforceable in certain jurisdictions. A recent decision by the Singapore High Court reinforces this position....
E-briefing: Changes to the Employment Act (“EA”)
The Ministry of Manpower laid out plans to change the existing Employment Act framework earlier this year. These changes are expected to become law by 1 April 2019. The key changes are as follows:- The salary threshold for coverage of core employment provisions are to...
E-briefing: Basic Guide for Re-entry by Landlords in Singapore
Introduction A landlord's re-entry of premises, and its consequential claims against a tenant for losses suffered by the landlord, may evolve into a messy affair for the unprepared. To assist landlords in such situations, Eversheds Harry Elias LLP has prepared this...