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COVID-19 impact on commercial leases: what we can learn

COVID-19 impact on commercial leases: what we can learn COVID-19 has brought about a range of unprecedented issues for businesses in Singapore pertaining to commercial leases. With the pandemic causing a dramatic downturn in trade for countless companies, this has led...

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Legal Update: Proposed Amendments to the Payment Services Act

Proposed Amendments to the Payment Services Act In this client update, we highlight the proposed amendments to the Payment Services Act (“PS Act”) further to the Payment Services (Amendment) Bill which was first read on 2 November 2020. Briefly, the main amendments...

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Know your rights: Don’t be a victim of medical negligence

In October 2020, the Singapore parliament passed the Civil Law (Amendment) Bill, which stipulates the duty of doctors in the provision of care. Doctors must tell their patients what they reasonably require to know to make an informed decision on what treatments,...

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