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Introduction A landlord's re-entry of premises, and its consequential claims against a tenant for losses suffered by the landlord, may evolve into a messy affair for the unprepared. To assist landlords in such situations, Eversheds Harry... [More]
Why is this important? The new Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) Administered Arbitration Rules 2018 (“HKIAC Rules 2018” or “Rules”) come into force on 1 November 2018. New disputes based on contracts that include an HKIAC... [More]
On 1 October 2018, the Bill on the Serious Crimes and Counter-Terrorism (Miscellaneous Amendments) (“the Bill”) was introduced for First Reading in Parliament. This Bill proposes amendments to the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (... [More]
Why this is important: The ability to enforce an international arbitration award or court judgment is a key consideration when deciding whether to bring a legal action. While international arbitration awards are enforceable under the New York... [More]
The Variable Capital Companies (“VCC”) Bill was passed in the Singapore Parliament on 1st October 2018 and the key features of the VCC were elaborated by Second Minister for Finance Ms. Indranee Rajah. This framework serves to encourage fund... [More]
Defining an overlapping market: CCCS’ Infringement Decision on Grab/Uber Merger Introduction On 24 September 2018, the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (“CCCS”) issued its final infringement decision (“FID”) against Grab and... [More]
Recently, JP Morgan CEO, Jamie Dimon, warned that the “biggest vulnerability” for the financial system is the threat of cyber attacks. Hackers, especially those working for nation-states, have grown more sophisticated and more determined, especially as... [More]
The decision: To recall, on 6 March 2018, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Slovak Republic v. Achmea ruled that the application of an investor-State arbitration clause in a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) between two EU Member States is... [More]
Developments in Singapore mediation law   Local developments: On 1 November 2017, the Mediation Act came into force. Thanks to several key features, this new statute has strengthened the position of mediation as an effective and lower-... [More]
Singapore Court: Arbitral Tribunals have the power to order US-style Attorneys’ Eyes Only Disclosure   The decision: The High Court in China Machine New Energy Corp v Jaguar Energy Guatemala LLC and another [2018] SGHC 101 held... [More]