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Home 5 News 5 Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in the Straits Times article titled “Majority of TraceTogether users have not re-registered with ID numbers on updated app”


Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in the Straits Times article titled “Majority of TraceTogether users have not re-registered with ID numbers on updated app”

Jun 10, 2020

Eversheds Harry Elias Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim commented in the Straits Times article titled “Majority of TraceTogether users have not re-registered with ID numbers on updated app”. The article was first published on 9 June 2020.

Majority of TraceTogether users have not re-registered with ID numbers on updated app

SINGAPORE – About a quarter of the 1.8 million users of TraceTogether have updated their app to the latest version, which requires them to re-register with their identification numbers.

These 450,000 app users had previously entered their mobile phone numbers, but the new requirement to supply more personal data is needed under stepped up measures to combat the spread of Covid-19.

Below is an excerpt from the article which features comments from KK:

GovTech said that making app users re-register with their NRIC, FIN or passport numbers will allow close contacts to be identified more accurately and quickly.

For instance, people may have multiple mobile numbers registered in their names but their family members or workers may be the ones using the numbers.

“So, for example, Mr A may own several mobile telephones all registered under him but then he gave them to different workers. Tracing by just the mobile number is problematic,” said Mr K.K. Lim, head of cyber security, privacy and data protection at law firm Eversheds Harry Elias.

Full article can be found here.

Source: The Straits Times

Author: Hariz Baharudin

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