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Partner Tan Weiyi shares with AsiaIP her thoughts on keeping your data safe as your employees work from home

Jun 3, 2020

Eversheds Harry Elias Partner Tan Weiyi shared her thoughts with AsiaIP on keeping your data safe as your employees work from home. The article was first published on 31 May 2020.

Keeping your data safe as your employees work from home

The Covid-19 health crisis has forced many companies and governments around the world to make full use of digital technologies to confront this rising pandemic. Unfortunately, along with this comes a host of challenges, perhaps the most visible of which is the recent privacy issue on Zoom that may have violated or infringed the intellectual property rights of the video conferencing app’s users.

But more than that, technology in general has posed certain concerns in this day and age of lockdown and social distancing. How is your data being treated during this time of pandemic?

Amongst others, Weiyi commented “If you are using your personal laptop, IT may not have control over your device, and [data security is] subject to how savvy the individual user is- whether they have software that may allow them to remotely delete the information. If not, the risk becomes a lot higher.”

Full article can be found here. 

Source: AsiaIP

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