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Home 5 News 5 Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in The Straits Times article titled “Data privacy breaches: Fines hit new annual high”


Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in The Straits Times article titled “Data privacy breaches: Fines hit new annual high”

Sep 23, 2019

Eversheds Harry Elias Head, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection KK Lim comments in The Straits Times article titled “Data privacy breaches: Fines hit new annual high”. The article was first published on 22 September 2019. 

Data privacy breaches: Fines hit new annual high

The amount collected from fines issued by Singapore’s privacy watchdog and the number of companies and individuals here who have breached data privacy laws are at a new annual high, due to greater awareness of data protection.

Over $1.29 million in fines have been issued so far this year, more than the accumulated amount for the previous three years, according to documents on the website of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC).

This is largely due to the $1 million in fines imposed after the breach of healthcare cluster SingHealth’s database.

Below is an excerpt from the article which features comments from KK Lim:

Mr K. K. Lim, head of cyber security, privacy and data protection at law firm Eversheds Harry Elias, said the larger number of entities rapped or fined is likely a result of more complaints.

“As the current regime is a complaint-based regime, it is likely a result of active citizenry who are more aware of their data protection rights due to public education through various means,” he said.

“Hence, a large number of complaints filed against companies that are in breach, and hence the number of decisions rendered by PDPC.”

Organisations that are found to have flouted the PDPA can be fined up to $1 million. Individuals can be fined and jailed too.

Mr Lim said those who repeatedly breach the Act, or those with lapses in their data security arrangements, could face higher fines than those who have put in place necessary measures.

Full article can be found here.

Source: The Straits Times

Author: Hariz Baharudin

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