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Home 5 News 5 Eversheds Harry Elias Partner Shaun Leong spoke at Tech Law Festival


Eversheds Harry Elias Partner Shaun Leong spoke at Tech Law Festival

Sep 13, 2019

Eversheds Harry Elias Partner Shaun Leong spoke at the Tech Law Fest held on 5 and 6 September. Tech Law Fest is Singapore’s largest conference on technology law and legal technology. It brings together the international community to debate, deliberate, act and innovate in both the law of technology (policies, regulations, legislation, case law and governance) and the technology of law (infrastructure, business transformation and people development).

The keynote speaker was Minister for Law Mr Shanmugam, and the conference’s guests include luminaries in the tech ecosystem such as Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web.

Shaun spoke on legal technology and innovation. According to Shaun, “Sometimes, innovation can simply be to think about the same things and the usual processes we take for granted in a different way; to consider with fresh perspectives how there can be better, more cost efficient ways of doing the same things we do. And so perhaps a good way to start would be identify a company’s existing processes that are not as efficient as they could be; consider how these existing processes can be re-designed; and finally to give some serious thought as to how technology can be adapted as part of the re-design to deliver more cost efficient solutions for clients.”




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