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Former President to Hold Singapore Mediation Lecture

Jul 31, 2012

Former President of the Republic of Singapore S R Nathan will deliver the inaugural Singapore Mediation Lecture on Wednesday, August 29, at the Supreme Court Auditorium. Admission is free, but interested participants are required to register at 4:30 PM before the program commences at 5:00 PM. The Singapore Mediation lecture series will introduce free annual public lectures on international commercial mediation.

Known for his profound understanding of human nature, Mr Nathan will share his extensive experience in mediation with his lecture entitled “The Man in the Middle: Lessons Learnt for International Mediation.” He will cite mediation skills and how these can be instrumental in connecting seamlessly with people from diverse professions, cultures, and even across geographical boundaries. In addition, he will emphasize how understanding people and having awareness for cultural sensibilities can be instrumental in mediating cross-border commercial disputes. 

Before he became President in 1999, Mr Nathan held important positions in both the government and private sector. Mr Nathan served as Director of various companies such as the Singapore Mint Pte., Singapore Press Holding Ltd., and Marshall Cavendish Ltd. He was also the Executive Chairman of the Straits Times Press Ltd. in 1975, and Chairman of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. His highlights as a government official include being designated as Singapore’s High Commissioner to Malaysia and Ambassador to the United States from 1988-1996. 

This installment of the Singapore Mediation Lecture series is made possible by the collaboration of the Harry Elias Partnership LLP, Singapore Mediation Centre, and the Singapore Management University. 

Please click here to go the Singapore Mediation Lecture website.


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